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Don’t make these errors in your child custody case

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2024 | Family Law

To secure the child custody outcome you want, you have to demonstrate that your proposal is in the child’s best interests. This isn’t just a figure of speech; the term refers to a wide-ranging legal standard that addresses nearly every aspect of your child’s life and your parenting abilities as well as those of the other parent. So, while you’ll need to gather evidence that supports your arguments, you’ll also want to avoid making mistakes that play against you in the best interest determination.

Being aggressive in your child custody case can be beneficial, but you don’t want to lose sight of the harmful mistakes you could make if you’re not careful. This includes:

  • Refusing to communicate and work with the other parent on child custody arrangements, time sharing and important decisions about your child’s upbringing.
  • Interfering with the other parent’s visitation and contact with your child to get back at them.
  • Failing to take advantage of meaningful time with your child due to work obligations.
  • Disparaging the other parent while your child is present.
  • Posting about the other parent and the struggles of raising a child on social media.
  • Neglecting to document conversations that you have with the other parent about important child rearing information and decisions.
  • Striking up a new relationship with someone whose background or character is problematic.

Aggressively advocate for the child custody outcome that best protects your child

Your child’s future and your relationship with them are on the line in a child custody dispute. Therefore, you need to do everything in your power to build a convincing case. If you want to learn more about how to do that, then please continue to read our blog and the rest of our website.