In a lot of child custody disputes, the court is going to focus on which parent can best provide for the child’s best interests. This is a comprehensive analysis that has to be conducted, which means that you need to take a holistic approach to your case. However,...
What factors determine the best interest of the child?
Many parents believe that only they know what is best for their child. However, if parents choose to get divorced, the court hearing the case may be required to use its own judgment when making decisions regarding child custody. The court will always focus on the best...
What does it mean to go through the probate process?
For readers of this blog, they have likely seen the word, probate. But, unless one has done research on the subject, they likely do not know any details of the probate process. Definition The legal term, “probate” may sound like legal jargon, but it simply refers to...
How is child support enforced in Mississippi?
This blog has discussed how child support is calculated and modified. It is also important to understand how child support obligations are enforced and the impact they can have on paying, non-custodial, parents and recipient parents as well. The state’s enforcement...
What does best interest of the child mean?
Divorces in Mississippi become much more complex when children are involved. Mississippi courts make custody determinations based on what is in the best interests of the children. This vague language can be confusing for parents, who often wonder how a court will...
Assessing the cost of divorce and support in Mississippi
When a Mississippi couple decides to divorce, if they are both in agreement the process will be relatively simple and cost-effective unless it is a contested divorce, where the two sides must argue their positions on the grounds for dissolution in court. When children...
Understanding adjusted gross income for child support
There are many matters that must be addressed when going through a divorce. Aside from the legal decisions that must be made, a Mississippi resident must contend with the emotional and personal challenges of ending their marriage. These difficulties can be compounded...
Establishing paternity in Mississippi
Paternity establishes a legal relationship between a father and his or her child. It can be decided either voluntarily or by the court. Once paternity is determined, the father of the child then gains custody rights and is required to pay child support. The child’s...
Modifying a child support order
People often see child support as a matter between two adults – the parents, whether they are divorced or were never married. In fact, it’s more complicated than that. Child support stems from a relationship between a parent and their child, and between the parent,...
Can Mississippi’s child support guidelines be altered?
The state of Mississippi uses a complex formula to determine how much child support a non-custodial parent must pay to care for their child after a separation or divorce. The guidelines are fixed, but in some circumstances, they may be altered or overridden when...